What happens to the orphans in A Duke of Her Own? Who fed them and took care of them after Eleanor and Leo left the orphanage?
I spread little updates about the orphans throughout the scenes following the orphanage chapter.
“How are the orphans doing now?” Villiers asked, breaking into the cool little silence that followed Lisette’s speech…
“Oh, very well!” Lisette replied. “The baker’s wife from the village has moved in temporarily. The committee is going to hire a new director.”
By the treasure hunt, the orphans are already much happier (and better fed), and the ladies’ orphanage committee has gathered:
The lawn was already dotted with the white gowns of the orphanage ladies, their lacy parasols making them look like daisies, viewed from above. The orphans in their blue pinafores were darting and running about and Eleanor didn’t think it was her imagination that they already looked heartier.
Finally, I wanted to remove the orphanage from Lisette’s neighborhood altogether, so later Eleanor is found writing a letter:
Eleanor looked up from a note she was writing to Lisette, commiserating over the fact the orphanage was being moved to another county entirely, when Villiers entered the room and closed the door behind him.
I assure you that the orphans were very well cared for, and that Eleanor and Leo never forgot about them. Indeed, they watched over that particular set of orphans throughout their lives, because without those orphans they would never have found the twins, nor—arguably—each other…