Eloisa James - New York Times Best Selling Author

"A reigning queen of romance" - CBS Monday Morning

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Viscount in Love ~ Now Available

July 23, 2024

REVIEWERS ARE IN LOVE! Booklist celebrates Eloisa for “first creating a uniquely appealing pair of protagonists (including a heroine who is not about to let not being able to read or write hold her back) and then setting them loose in a wit-infused plot enhanced by a wildly entertaining cast of secondary characters.”

Who is this delicious duo? Torie & Dominic, the romantic leads of Eloisa’s newest novel, Viscount in Love.

TODAY IS RELEASE DAY! Viscount in Love, book 1 in Eloisa’s brand new series, Accidental Brides, is waiting for you. You can order it in paperback, ebook, or audiobook.

BookPage declares “Don’t miss this one,” and raves about the characters and humor: “James dazzles with her cast of appealing characters in this laugh-out-loud romance; the twins especially shine…”

START READING! Did you meet Torie Vetry and Viscount Dominic Kelbourne yet? If not, start reading Eloisa’s brand new book from the very beginning. Then order yours and keep reading — the chemistry between these two is fabulous! And the twins are utterly delightful.

Seven Weeks until the New Book Drops

June 4, 2024

LUCKY SEVEN: It’s just seven weeks until Viscount in Love becomes available for you to have. In the meantime, please enjoy both Chapters One and Two. Already indulged? Learn more about this delicious new series Eloisa dreamed up: The Accidental Brides.

26 DAISY EPISODES: Seduction 4: Daisy (Two Lies and a Lord) is still releasing on Vella every Wednesday. Start with Episode 1: We Meet Miss Beatrice Valentine (And The Fern She’s Hiding Behind), and continue through various episodes with fabulous titles such as The Perils of Having a Sister-in-Law (Ep12), and Spinning Straw into Gold Would be a Useful Skill (Ep21).

Getting on Vella is pretty easy: you purchase episodes with tokens; you can get 30 episodes for less than $3! Look up in the upper right of the Vella page for this Token Key image (shown above), click for buy options, and get reading!

SEDUCTION! There are three books in the series already, but you don’t have to read them in order — that said, some readers are sticklers bingeing a series. The first three Seduction Series titles — Two Dances and a DukeTwo Vows and a Viscount, and Two Masquerades and a Major — are each available in Kindle ebook, audio book, and print.

MORE ELOISA! Already read all the Seduction books? Eloisa has much more to binge. Eloisa’s Bookshelf gives readers an easy-to-browse list of available start-to-finish series.

Looking for a deep dive down the Eloisa rabbit hole? Explore Eloisa’s Author Notes! Her Inside Takes offer exactly that: an inside look into her experience while writing the books.

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