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Eloisa James Newsletter | New York Times Bestselling Author

April 2024

Dear Friends,

I’m writing with news that Target is running a fabulous paperback sale (buy 2/get 1 free) until April 13! May I suggest that you fill in your backlist and preorder a copy of Viscount for free?

Sale Alert!

Moreover, the eBook of The Reluctant Countess is $1.99 til April 21.


I’m giving away 5 signed copies of the gorgeous UK version of Not that Duke! To enter, email, put “Giveaway” in the subject, and tell us your favorite Eloisa James novel.

Email with “Giveaway” in the subject. Include your favorite Eloisa James book.

In other news…

I also wanted to give you an update on our Italian apartment renovation: three years later, the upstairs still isn’t habitable and the downstairs has serious problems—as in, the door to the bathroom wouldn’t shut because, as our architect blithely explained, the door was too wide. In case you’re wondering, she specified that door size.

On the family front, Anna is living in Florence, happily teaching a group of 3 to 5-year-olds English. Luca, Sofia and dachshund Milo have left Africa… the next stop on the ambassadorial track will be Vienna! Expect fabulous photos on Instagram in December when I get to visit.

And finally, I am having so much fun writing my next historical romance. I can’t resist sharing this with you:

When the Honorable Miss Clara Vetry’s Season came to an abrupt and ignominious end at a garden party, everyone in the beau monde agreed that she had no one to blame but herself. She could have headed off disgrace in any number of ways—by jumping into the Thames, for example, or by throwing herself over a hedge into a neighboring garden.
Assaulting a future king was not recommended.

I hope that your home is full of books and your life is happy ~
all best,
