The Seduction Series Available Now View web version.
Eloisa James Newsletter | New York Times Bestselling Author

December, 2023

Dear Friends,

Serializing stories on the Amazon Vella platform has been fun—but I know that many of you prefer other formats.

So I am thrilled to say that three Seduction stories, newly retitled, are now available as Kindle eBooks, audiobooks, or in print! Bea’s new title is Two Dances and a Duke, Ella is now Two Vows and a Viscount, and Livie’s title is Two Masquerades and a Major. (Please note: these books have been lightly edited, but the stories remain the same.)

You can read excerpts on my website, but basically, all three girls are excluded from polite society: curvy Bea is being bullied; penniless Ella lives in her stepmother’s attic; and Livie’s father is on trial for treason.

Buy Book 1: Two Dances and a Duke →

Buy Book 2: Two Vows and a Viscount→

Buy Book 3: Two Masquerades and a Major→

December is a joyous but stressful month: why not collapse on the couch and dive into a story of love and comeuppance? Naturally, all three girls triumph on the marriage market and in life!


And in case these novellas tempt you to try the Vella platform, I already began serializing the next Seduction, The Seduction, Season 4 – Daisy and three chapters are waiting for you! (You needn’t read all the Seasons on Vella: just begin with Episode 90, the beginning of Season 4.)

Note: This novella will be published in ebook, audiobook, and print in Spring 2024 as Two Lies and a Lord


My family will spend the holidays on an island off the shore of Cancun. I am dragging gift-filled stockings with me because traditions must be kept, no matter where you are! If you’re interested in our travels, keep an eye on Instagram and Facebook.

I hope that you and yours are well and happy, and whatever traditions you celebrate in December are wonderful.

big hug,
