Eloisa is All Over New York City This Week!
May 29, 2017
Most exciting: she’s signing advance copies of Wilde in Love at BookExpo on 6/3, 3:00-3:30pm, Table 14!
If you aren’t a bookseller, how about coming along to see Eloisa with Julia Quinn, Sarah Maclean, and Maya Rodale on 5/30 at the Strand Bookstore, 7-8pm? She’d love to see you and she’ll have copies of her luscious recipe cards to give away!
Are you a writer? You can still sign up for Eloisa’s classes at Rutgers University on 6/3! She’s speaking at 2:00 and 4:10pm, and she’ll be giving all her writing students not just great advice, but Eloisa James journals!