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Bookcode: four

Mea Culpa, Four Nights with the Duke

  • A couple readers reported that on page 129, Vander tells Charlie, “They think that the Dukes of Pindar aren’t unable to satisfy their wives.” Whoops! That should be “aren’t able to satisfy.”
  • Amy wrote to point out that on pages 347-348, Thorn and Vander are talking about how Vander can win Mia back with a grand gesture. Thorn suggests Vander recite a poem and says, “Kinross, the Scottish Duke, swears he wouldn’t be married if he hadn’t done the same thing.” Let’s add this to my list of time hopping characters. The Duke of Kinross, Gowan Stoughton, is the hero of Once Upon a Tower which took place in 1824. Four Nights with the Duke takes place in 1800. Gowan and Edie not only aren’t married; since Tower opens when Edie is nineteen, she isn’t even born.
  • Diane wrote to point out in Three Weeks with Lady X, dated 1799, Thorn notes that Vander always finds the anniversary of his mother’s death painful, so Thorn tries to be with him on that day (April 4). What a surprise to learn from a chapter dated 1800 in Four Nights with the Duke that Vander’s mother only died a year ago. Groan.
  • More than one reader wrote to tell me that at one point in Four Nights Mia’s notes about her heroine mistake Flora for “Florida.” While I routinely try out five or six names for each of my main characters, Mia wouldn’t dream of naming one of her characters after a place that didn’t even gain statehood until 1845. (This has been corrected in the electronic version and will disappear from future print versions as well.)